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Wednesday’s letters: No such thing as free pharmacare

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The NDP-Liberal socialist pharmacare program is an insult to all taxpaying Canadians. As if we didn’t already foot the bill for “free” tampons in federally regulated workplaces and “free” abortions and “free” STI treatment and “free” PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis), now, for starters, we are going to be forced to pay for “free” birth control and abortion (RU-486) pills.

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Of course, pharmacare is being peddled with the catchphrase “investing in Canadians,” as used by the deputy prime minister, which is code for “spend” since there is no such thing as “free.”

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Enough already! It’s time this woke government, for the common good, stayed out of the bedrooms of the nation and kept their hands to themselves off of our money to benefit their freeloading supporters.

James Halicki, Edmonton

No pharmacare an Alberta advantage?

Another example of the “Alberta Advantage” with this province saying it will opt out of the pharmacare program that the federal government is proposing.

The health minister says Albertans have “access to government-sponsored health benefit plans” which means that the public must pay to take advantage of these plans. Albertans would not have to pay for contraceptive and diabetes drugs with the proposed federal government plan, nor would they have to pay for a drug plan. Like I said, another example of the “Alberta Advantage.”

Cathy Rainey, Westlock

Flawed power market needs fixing

Re. “It’s time for Alberta to back renewable energy,” Opinion, Feb. 27

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One of the requests in the above article is “no major overhaul of the market design.” But a fatal error is in the market design and so dithering is not an answer.

To retain an energy-only market is to push firm (generators that are able to be dispatched when needed) out of the market. As more and more reliance occurs on renewables during their production window, firm has a smaller window. That pushes them out of the market and insecurity ensues. That is a major flaw that needs fixing.

Tony Palladino, Edmonton

Alberta’s health care in crisis

Our experience in the health-care system in Alberta over the past 18 months has shown us that the system is in crisis. Meanwhile, Danielle Smith’s government has made the unethical decision to impose a hiring freeze on Alberta Health Services.

We are saddened that health-care workers — MDs, RNs, LPNs, HCAs, and others — are all wrestling with ethical dilemmas daily. We know this to be true because we know of LPNs who work 16-hour shifts daily and of one LPN who worked a 24-hour shift. It is unethical to force doctors to break their Hippocratic Oath and to force other medical staff to compromise the care they give to patients.

Our hearts go out to these health-care workers, heroes in my estimation.

Naomi McIlwraith, Edmonton

Letters welcome

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