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Thursday’s letters: Playing politics with Albertans’ health

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Alberta Health Minister Adriana LaGrange is not a healthy health minister. How can she claim she is supporting Albertans in health care when she is now refusing to sign the new federal pharmacare plan for us?

I have a relative who ended up in the ICU just this month, mainly because of affordability for her badly needed insulin. You can imagine how excited she must have been to hear that the new federal pharmacare would now cover the total costs of diabetic drugs and other associated needs. There must be many other diabetics who were cheering alongside of her.

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But, our Alberta health minister rejects this help, all because she thinks Ottawa is playing politics? What game does she think she is playing? Get real, Adriana! Remember your designation — Health Minister of Alberta.

G.A. Teske, Sherwood Park

Alberta has a no-sales-tax problem

Let’s cancel the construction of new hospitals, refuse to participate in a national pharmacare program, dismantle AHS, create four independent health agencies who won’t talk to each other but will be easier for politicians to control, all while continuing to underfund and ignore those things that we all know will have positive outcomes.

It’s almost as if the UCP has hired some Machiavellian actuarial who has somehow determined that in the long run it’s cheaper to let people suffer and die than it is to keep them healthy and productive. They then paint it all as simply responding to a spending problem.

We don’t have a spending problem; we have an income problem caused and exacerbated by being the only province and one of the few jurisdictions in the world without a sales tax.

Ken Cantor, Edmonton

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Double standard for Alberta, Quebec

Regarding two provinces, Alberta and Quebec, wanting to opt out of the new federal pharmacare program, the reaction from Jagmeet Singh is very interesting.

For Alberta, Singh called out Premier Smith saying that she must explain why she is “refusing to take action that would save lives, save money … .” Regarding Quebec, he had this to say “Quebec has the right to withdraw with full compensation.”

Regardless of your stance on pharmacare, Singh’s double standard is unacceptable. It’s to the point now where they no longer even try to pretend to treat the provinces equally.

Robert McCullough, Edmonton

Rein in David Parker’s personal attacks

Free speech is important but people like David Parker should be restricted when they cross the line of decency and decorum. Don Braid’s column reported Parker’s verbal rhetoric to be uncivil and disgusting. Personal attacks against politicians that he doesn’t agree with smack of Trump’s outrageous behaviour.

We don’t need that type of unlicensed language here in Alberta or anywhere else for that matter. Parker’s online hate speech should be investigated and reined in. Free speech isn’t free when it crosses the line into the public denigration of others that he doesn’t agree with. Are you listening Danielle Smith?

H.C. Kolthammer, Edmonton

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