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Re. “Province tightens rules on renewables projects,” Feb. 29

In an all-out race with the forces of nature, man will always lose. The best we can hope for is a tie, a balance. When the majority of tipping points concerning climate change will occur around 2035, our provincial government declares that the finish line will instead be 2050. This is delusion.

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When the province is thrown an economic and balancing lifeline of opportunities for solar and wind power, they decline to pursue these opportunities with gusto. This is irresponsible.

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As I enjoy my provincial “viewscapes” in 20 or so years, I hope that I will not feel too bitter if agriculture is failing and forests are burning because we forfeited the tie.

Marlene Frechette, Edmonton

What’s a reasonable rent increase?

Re. “Protecting tenants key to tackling housing crisis,” Opinion, Feb. 28

My 85-plus mother-in-law owns a condo unit rented out at below market value. She is not a “rent-gouging” landlord by any means. So, what is a reasonable rate of return? Who determines what is fair? In a good year with no repair costs or additional expenses beyond condo fees and property taxes, her return on investment is a whopping, gouging 3.2 per cent. 

But wait, within the past 12 months she has been hit with two special assessments totalling $6368.56.

Richard Garside, Edmonton

How far will race-based exclusions go?

Re. “You can’t fight discrimination with different discrimination,” David Staples, Feb. 28

David Staples highlights a crucial point: Why exclude specific groups when fostering diversity? Surely welcoming everyone, regardless of race, would be more effective. Financial need, not race, should be the primary criterion for scholarship allocation. This would ensure resources reach those who truly need them and avoid the issue of racial exclusion.

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The potential consequences are concerning. Would this logic extend to other services, like food banks or shelters, becoming race-restricted? Such limitations seem absurd and problematic.

Aiming for inclusivity through merit and genuine need, irrespective of background, would be a far more responsible approach.

Samson Lau, Edmonton

NDP should tout Alberta sales tax

Every so often the suggestion is made that Alberta does not have a spending problem but a revenue problem. So much more can be spent/invested simply by putting in a sales tax. As the UCP won’t touch this, perhaps the NDP can put a sales tax in their platform during the next election.

Norman Gee, Edmonton

Fee on electric vehicles justified

I had to laugh when I read about the outrage of EV owners over the Alberta government’s $200 “tax” on their vehicles.

EV owners pay significantly more to drive those cars so crying poor seems a bit disingenuous. These vehicles weigh upwards of 35 per cent more than regular cars and, as they use no fuel, they pay nothing towards the construction and maintenance of the roads that they drive on and, due to their weight, cause more wear and tear on.

They should count themselves fortunate that they weren’t charged 35 per cent more to properly compensate for the damage that they do and stop their whining.

Bob Thompson, Edmonton

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