A doggy foster parent turned to social media with the hopes someone would adopt a senior dog who has been patiently waiting for the right family to come along.

The foster parent, who is known on TikTok as @njyslve, picked up and welcomed home the senior dog named Eeyore on January 28 as a foster. But, over a month later, Eeyore is still with his foster parent. Not that living in a foster home is a bad thing. This dog, along with all the other foster pups, would rather have a forever home.

In the January 28 TikTok video, the owner shows part of Eeyore’s “damaged goods.” Potential adopters have looked past him because of his age, severe scars, and asthma. Plus, this foster parent believes he likely comes with a history of abuse as he flinches when you pet him. But his past and conditions should not affect his future for having a forever family.

Part of the caption reads: “A senior dog with severe scarring and asthma is seen as damaged goods for most adopters. But Eeyore has been nothing but brave and kind since I picked him up tonight.”

Senior dog in foster home
Screenshots of a senior dog from a January 28 TikTok video in his foster home. Potential adopters have looked past him because is considered “damaged goods.”


Los Angeles-based Philozoia Rescue, the rescue Eeyore is available through, shared on an Instagram post that he has scaring and hair loss on his back and ear, stating it is likely the result of untreated allergies and flea-related itchiness.

But despite everything he has been through, he still loves to sleep, cuddle, and “waddle around on his walks.”

The TikTok video reached 42,700 views, 1,939 likes, and 55 comments as of Friday with a majority of people feeling heartbroken after seeing this sweet doggo still in need of a home.

“It’s unbelievable the pain and horror that humans inflict on these babies. Thank you for loving him – he deserves only the best,” said one viewer.

Another added: “I hope someone can give him the best life he deserves.”

Someone suggested that this foster adopt Eeyore herself, but she responded by saying: “Keeping him means more dogs that continue to not have a foster and are then at risk for euthanasia.”

Each year, 6.3 million pets enter U.S. shelters, an average of 17,260 a day, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA). The number of dogs and cats taken in by pet shelters hit 46,807 during January 2023, an increase of 1,744 compared to January 2022, the 24Pet “Shelter Watch Report” found.

Around 920,000 surrendered animals are euthanized every year. Shelters are striving to minimize euthanasia rates by promoting adoption campaigns, spaying and neutering programs, and behavior rehabilitation.

Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to life@newsweek.com with some details about your best friend and they could appear in our Pet of the Week line-up.