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Fani Willis’ Vile Trump Hate Mail Revealed in Court Papers

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has revealed some of the racist hate mail she has received since taking an election fraud case against Donald Trump.

The former president pleaded not guilty to all 13 charges against him and has said the case is politically motivated because he is the frontrunner for the GOP presidential nomination.

A sample of hate mail submitted to Judge Scott McAfee included an image of Willis’ face in front of a gallows with the words: “I’m past the point of wanting them in prison.”

Another page, written in lined writing paper, contains extremely racist language and repeats the n-word numerous times. It ends with the words: “It’s going to be fun watching what Trump does to you [expletive] after he’s elected. SLAVERY FOREVER.”

trump virginia
Donald Trump speaks during a Get Out the Vote Rally March 2, 2024 in Richmond, Virginia. Trump is facing election fraud charges in Atlanta, Georgia.

Win McNamee/Getty Images

That handwritten letter includes several extremely crude references to Willis’s former relationship with Nathan Wade, the chief prosecutor in the Trump case, and suggests Willis faked tears when she defended Wade at Georgia’s Big Bethel AME Church in January.

All of the pages submitted appear to have been sent to her office in the mail.

Her court submission doesn’t state if all the threats came from the same source or when they were received. It does state that they are a “sample of communications received by DA Willis.”

One page reads, among expletives: “You are guilty of election interference! Watch that family!!! Sell Out!”

fani willis
Fani Willis at a hearing in the case of Georgia v. Trump at the Fulton County Courthouse on March 1, 2024, in Atlanta, Georgia. Insert: One of the hateful messages she has received since the…

Alex Slitz/Getty Images

Newsweek emailed Willis and Trump’s attorney for comment on Sunday.

The hate mail was submitted by Willis’s office to McAfee in February and recently made public. It is signed by Wade, Willis and other attorneys in Willis’ office to disprove claims by Trump’s lawyer that Willis had only indicted Trump to gain positive publicity.

Willis’s submission that such a claim “ignores that District Attorney Willis has attracted both positive and negative publicity related to this case, which include ongoing personal security threats, racial slurs, sexual invective, and attacks.”

It also rejects that Wade has benefited from the case.

“Fair consideration of any ‘benefit’ to the prosecutor must include these obvious and undeniable costs,” it adds.

“And, spurious allegations of publicity-seeking aside, it must be made clear that District Attorney Willis did not go looking for this case. These Defendants centered their racketeering conspiracy to disrupt and overturn the 2020 Georgia election,” it adds.

In February, Willis gave evidence in a two-day hearing following accusations by former Trump staffer and co-defendant Michael Roman that she was having an affair with Wade, a special prosecutor she hired for the case.

Willis and Wade later admitted they had a relationship but denied a conflict of interest. The timeline of their relationship has emerged as a key point of contention, and Roman has said it started earlier than they admitted. Trump’s lawyers examined phone records and alleged the pair were in a relationship before the Georgia election fraud case began.