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Re. “New rules add $4.8M to election tab,” Sept. 30

So Danielle Smith, taking her marching orders from the baby-MAGA crowd running the UCP, has told municipalities that they must go back in time and start hand-counting paper ballots.

Smith told reporters that electronic voting failed to produce fast results, which is demonstrably false. She also hints that the public lacks faith in the system, which is also false. In fact, electronic voting is more secure than hand-counting ballots, which can easily be manipulated by one or two bad actors. The only reason to change the system is to placate the wacko fringe of the UCP, which is besotted with Fox News reports over the years repeating Donald Trump’s claims that the U.S. election was rigged.

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I have a suggestion for Edmonton city council: Just say no. Changing the system will cost the city an additional $4.8 million, so tell Smith if she wants paper ballots, she’ll have to pay for it. Otherwise, we’re keeping our current system. After all, what’s the worst she can do to the City of Edmonton, stop paying property taxes? Oh, wait.

We’ve been counting ballots electronically for many many years now, with never a whisper of complaint that the count was unfair. The system works, and as the saying goes, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

Maurice Tougas, Edmonton

Anti-car plan for Strathcona unrealistic

The City of Edmonton has released its final Old Strathcona Public Realm Strategy and among the “highlights” is the intention to eliminate the ample parking along Gateway Boulevard from 83 Avenue between 101 and 103 Streets up to Saskatchewan Drive, essentially eliminating the only convenient parking available at the farmers market. It will now be a green space (i.e., a cold, wind-swept white space for half of the year).

While the no-cars agenda underlying the strategy is evident and might appeal to green-leaning residents within 10 blocks or so from the market who can walk or bike there like Michael Janz, why would the people behind the strategy think that this de facto parking ban has any appeal to citizens in far-flung areas of the city? What if you live in Sherwood Park or St. Albert and enjoy the farmers market? Do the people behind the plan actually think that people and families will ride a bus for an hour or more or ride a bike in —25C just to buy a couple of organic, locally grown food products?

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It’s too bad that utopian climate zealotry and inept planning has won the day over a realistic compromise between the need for parking and the desire for more green spaces. Old Strathcona Farmers’ Market: RIP.

Michael W. Jurijew, Edmonton

Revisit the renaming of Elks

We must revisit the contentious issue pertaining to naming our beloved football team. Presently: Edmonton Elks. Possibly: Edmonton Eskimos. Most likely: Edmonton Embarrassment. 55-27! Really?

Ron St-Jean, St. Albert

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